1 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | ISB congress proceedings & abstracts | International Society of Biomechanics |
2 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | ISBS congress proceedings | International Society of Biomechanics in Sports |
3 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Surface ElectroMyoGraphy for the Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles | seniam.org |
4 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Clinical gait analysis | www.clinicalgaitanalysis.com |
5 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Walking with Richard | wwrichard.net |
6 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Biomechanics Classes on the Web | darkwing.uoregon.edu |
7 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | History of Biomechanics | American Society of Biomechanics |
8 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Concepts & Methodology of Biomechanics | The Biomechanist |
9 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Master Muscle List | meddean.luc.edu |
10 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Muscle wiki | musclewiki.org |
11 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Understanding Cerebral palsy symptoms | cerebralpalsysymptoms.com |
12 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Anatomy atlases | anatomyatlases.org |
13 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Get body smart | getbodysmart.com |
14 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Anatomy of the Human Body | bartleby.com |
15 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Historical anatomies on the web | nlm.nih.gov |
16 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Human body & Mind | bbc.co.uk |
17 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Interactive Simulations for Science and Math | phet.colorado.edu |
18 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | RS scan resources | rsscan.com |
19 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Teleemg resources | teleemg.com |
20 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Biomechanics Interest group | bigacsm.com |
21 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology | isek.org |
22 | bio_mechanics | web_resource | Tekscan resources | tekscan.com |
23 | bio_mechanics | softwares | kinovea 2D analysis software | Kinovea |
24 | bio_mechanics | softwares | Mokka 3D biomechanical analysis software | Motion Kinematic and kinetic analyser |
25 | bio_mechanics | softwares | Opensim modelling & simulation of movement analysis software | OpenSim |
26 | bio_mechanics | softwares | MoXie Viewer ( View video & acquired signals simultaneously) | moxie.smalll.eu |
27 | bio_mechanics | softwares | Interactive software to visualize 3D joint inter-segmental force & moments | International Society of Biomechanics |
28 | bio_mechanics | softwares | Physmo Video motion analysis | Physmo |
29 | bio_mechanics | softwares | v1golfacademy video analysis basic version | v1golfacademy.com |
30 | bio_mechanics | softwares | Tracker video analysis and modelling tool | physlets.org |
31 | bio_mechanics | softwares | Teaching resource Anatomy | www.zygotebody.com |
32 | bio_mechanics | softwares | Body mech 3D kinematic analysis | www.bodymech.nl |
33 | bio_mechanics | softwares | Pressure force converter | pressureprofile.com |
34 | bio_mechanics | books/articles | ISB articles | International Society of Biomechanics |
35 | bio_mechanics | books/articles | ANZSB articles | Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics |
36 | bio_mechanics | books/articles | The Ergonomics Open Journal | ergonomics.org.au |
37 | bio_mechanics | books/articles | Ergonomics Journals | ergonomics.org.au |
38 | bio_mechanics | books/articles | Delsys articles | delsys.com |
39 | bio_mechanics | books/articles | Sport biomechanics articles | simi.com |
40 | bio_mechanics | books/articles | AMTI articles | amti.biz |
41 | bio_mechanics | videos | Sports Biomechanics Lecture series | Stuart McErlain-Naylor |
42 | bio_mechanics | videos | ASB Conference videos | American Society of Biomechanics |
43 | bio_mechanics | videos | ESB webinars | European society of biomechanics |
44 | bio_mechanics | videos | Movement & Skill acquisition | MSA Ireland |
45 | bio_mechanics | videos | UCalgary Human Performance Lab | UCalgary Human Performance Lab (ISB/ASB 2019 Invited Talks and Keynotes & Dynamic Walking 2019 Presentations) |
46 | bio_mechanics | videos | Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Steven Strogatz, Cornell University | Cornell MAE | Nonlinear dynamics |
47 | bio_mechanics | videos | Biomechanical analysis using MatLab | Daniel Kuhman |
48 | bio_mechanics | videos | ACSM Brown Bag Series in Science | American college of Sports medicine |
49 | bio_mechanics | videos | Applied Ergonomics webinar | Applied ergonomics society |
50 | bio_mechanics | videos | Math modelling | siam.org |
51 | bio_mechanics | videos | OpenSim webinars | OpenSim |
52 | bio_mechanics | videos | Delsys webinars | delsys.com |
53 | bio_mechanics | videos | National academy of kinesiology Videos | nationalacademyofkinesiology.org |
54 | bio_mechanics | videos | Qualisys webinars | qualisys.com |
55 | bio_mechanics | videos | Kistler webinars | kistler.com |
56 | bio_mechanics | videos | Pressure profile videos | pressureprofile.com |
57 | bio_mechanics | videos | Dartfish webinar | dartfish.tv |
58 | bio_mechanics | podcast | Listen to Biomechanics concepts | Biomechanics on our Minds |
59 | bio_mechanics | podcast | The Perception & Action Podcast | perceptionaction.com |
60 | bio_mechanics | podcast | The gait guys Podcast | thegaitguys.libsyn.com |
61 | bio_mechanics | podcast | Biomechanics Physical therapy program podcast | East Tennessee State University |
62 | bio_mechanics | podcast | ACSM-podcast | American college of Sports medicine |
63 | bio_mechanics | downloads | Teaching resources | American Society of Biomechanics |
64 | bio_mechanics | downloads | Moments and Rotations | esmac.org |
65 | bio_mechanics | downloads | Standard error of measurement | wwrichard.net |
66 | bio_mechanics | downloads | Clinical gait analysis | ocw.tudelft.nl |
67 | bio_mechanics | downloads | Biomechanics articles | worldathletics.org |
68 | bio_mechanics | downloads | C motion free software & Teaching materials | c-motion.com |
69 | bio_mechanics | downloads | Important factors in surface EMG measurement | bortec.ca |
70 | coaching_science | web_resource | Coaching Science | instituteofcoaching.org |
71 | coaching_science | videos | What is Coaching Science? | Sports Science collective |
72 | coaching_science | podcast | Sports coaching | The Coaching Bubble |
73 | coaching_science | downloads | Coaching science abstract | coachsci.sdsu.edu |
74 | high_performance | web_resource | English Institute of Sport | eis2win.co.uk |
75 | high_performance | videos | High Performance Practitioner Interviews | Catapult |
76 | high_performance | podcast | CSEP podcast | anchor.fm/cseppodcast |
77 | high_performance | podcast | Catapult High Performance Podcast | catapultsports.com |
78 | kinanthropometry | web_resource | The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry | www.isak.global |
79 | nutrition | web_resource | Advancing nutrition science | nutritionsociety.org |
80 | nutrition | web_resource | Food and Nutrition Information Center | USDA Food and Nutrition information centre |
81 | nutrition | softwares | Daily nutrient recommendations | USDA Food and Nutrition information centre |
82 | nutrition | softwares | Healthy Eating Calculator | Baylore college of Medicine |
83 | nutrition | softwares | Calcium Calculator | Dairy council of California |
84 | nutrition | softwares | Body Weight Planner | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases |
85 | nutrition | softwares | Dietary analysis tool for athletes | Gatorade Sports Science Institute |
86 | nutrition | softwares | Body Mass Index | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute |
87 | nutrition | softwares | Fluid Loss calculator | Gatorade Sports Science Institute |
88 | nutrition | softwares | Nutrition Calculators | WVAND |
89 | nutrition | softwares | Drink Size calculator | Rethinking Drinking |
90 | nutrition | softwares | Basal Energy Expenditure | Cornell University |
91 | nutrition | softwares | Fuel Habits Survey | Gatorade Sports Science Institute |
92 | nutrition | softwares | Calorie Calculator | musclewiki.org |
93 | nutrition | softwares | Macro calculator | musclewiki.org |
94 | nutrition | downloads | GSSI Education resources | Gatorade Sports Science Institute |
95 | nutrition | downloads | Health science articles | worldathletics.org |
96 | performance_analysis | web_resource | International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport | ispas.org |
97 | performance_analysis | web_resource | International Society of Performance Analysis of Sports Asia | ispasa.org |
98 | performance_analysis | web_resource | The video analyst | thevideoanalyst.com |
99 | performance_analysis | web_resource | Sport performance analysis | sportperformanceanalysis.com |
100 | performance_analysis | web_resource | What is sports performance analysis? | isportsanalysis.com |
101 | performance_analysis | softwares | Longomatch Software | Longomatch.com |
102 | performance_analysis | softwares | Spatial analysis | carto.com |
103 | performance_analysis | softwares | Gephi visualization software | gephi.org |
104 | performance_analysis | videos | Catapult Vision | Catapult |
105 | performance_analysis | videos | https://carto.com/webinars/ | carto.com |
106 | performance_analysis | videos | Catapult Webinars | Catapult |
107 | performance_analysis | videos | Catapult webinar series | Catapult webinar series |
108 | performance_analysis | podcast | Running the Numbers - The Performance Analysis Podcast | audioboom.com/channels/4975853 |
109 | physiology | web_resource | The physiological society | physoc.org |
110 | physiology | web_resource | American Physiological Society | physiology.org |
111 | physiology | web_resource | American Society of Exercise Physiologists | asep.org |
112 | physiology | web_resource | https://www.iworx.com/ | iworx |
113 | physiology | web_resource | http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/index.html | phschool.com |
114 | physiology | web_resource | 3D Anatomy platform | 3d4medical.com |
115 | physiology | softwares | Labsribe Remote teaching | iworx |
116 | physiology | books/articles | Exercise physiologists | exercisephysiologists.wordpress.com |
117 | physiology | books/articles | KnowledgeTranslations | csep.ca |
118 | physiology | videos | CSEP online learning | csep.ca |
119 | physiology | downloads | LabscribeRemoteLabs.zip | iworx |
120 | psychology | web_resource | Anatomy & Physiology | le.ac.uk |
121 | psychology | web_resource | American Psychological Association | apa.org |
122 | psychology | web_resource | Applied sport psychology | appliedsportpsych.org |
123 | psychology | web_resource | A to Z of psychology | www.bps.org.uk |
124 | psychology | web_resource | https://believeperform.com/ | The performance room |
125 | psychology | web_resource | Psychology tests and surveys | bbc.co.uk |
126 | psychology | web_resource | https://www.premiersportpsychology.com/ | premiersportpsychology.com |
127 | psychology | books/articles | bps publications | www.bps.org.uk |
128 | psychology | podcast | Speaking of psychology | apa.org |
129 | psychology | podcast | Sport psychology podcasts | premiersportpsychology.com |
130 | sports_analytics | web_resource | Agile Sports Analytics | agilesportsanalytics.com |
131 | sports_analytics | web_resource | Data Science & beyond | yanirseroussi.com |
132 | sports_analytics | web_resource | r-bloggers | r-bloggers.com |
133 | sports_analytics | videos | Data analysis using R | Daniel Kuhman |
134 | sports_medicine | web_resource | Comprehensive information on Sports medicine concepts | Centre for disease control and prevention |
135 | sports_medicine | web_resource | Movement disorders Education Roadmap | movementdisorders.org |
136 | sports_medicine | web_resource | Sports Medicine Information | nsmi.org.uk |
137 | sports_medicine | web_resource | Open prosthetics | openprosthetics.org |
138 | sports_medicine | videos | MDS Videos | movementdisorders.org |
139 | sports_medicine | podcast | Ask anatomist podcast | askanatomist.com |
140 | sports_medicine | podcast | Structural performance podcast | Stitcher.com |
141 | sports_medicine | podcast | Movement disorder Podcast | movementdisorders.org |
142 | sports_science | web_resource | Sports Science | sportsci.org |
143 | sports_science | web_resource | The Science of Sport | sportsscientists.com |
144 | sports_science | web_resource | Sports Science Exchange | gssiweb.org |
145 | sports_science | web_resource | Sports Science resources | sportscicollective.com |
146 | sports_science | web_resource | The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences | bases.org.uk |
147 | sports_science | web_resource | Brian mac sports coach | www.brianmac.co.uk |
148 | sports_science | web_resource | Concepts in Info graphics | ylmsportscience.com |
149 | sports_science | web_resource | Top end sports | topendsports.com |
150 | sports_science | books/articles | gssi articles | www.gssiweb.org/en/research |
151 | sports_science | videos | Sports Science hub | Sports Science hub - YT Channel |
152 | sports_science | videos | Sports Science resources | sportscicollective.com |
153 | sports_science | podcast | Science for sport Podcast | scienceforsport.com |
154 | sports_science | podcast | liberated body podcast | liberatedbody.com |
155 | strength_conditioning | web_resource | National Strength and Conditioning Association | www.nsca.com |
156 | strength_conditioning | web_resource | Exercise right | exerciseright.com.au |
157 | strength_conditioning | web_resource | https://www.ptdirect.com/ | www.ptdirect.com |
158 | strength_conditioning | softwares | One rep max tool | musclewiki.org |
159 | strength_conditioning | books/articles | How much exercise is right for you? | exerciseright.com.au |
160 | strength_conditioning | books/articles | NSCA articles | www.nsca.com |
161 | strength_conditioning | videos | NSCA videos | www.nsca.com |
162 | strength_conditioning | podcast | NSCA Podcasts | www.nsca.com |
163 | strength_conditioning | podcast | The Strength coach podcast | continuefit.com/strength-coach-podcast |
164 | strength_conditioning | podcast | Strength and Conditioning Journal Podcast | Strength and conditioning Journal |
165 | strength_conditioning | podcast | Strength and Performance Podcast | Train Heroic |
166 | strength_conditioning | downloads | Exercise-professional-resources | American college of Sports medicine |
167 | strength_conditioning | downloads | Initial fitness assessment/ Physical activity plan | American college of Sports medicine |
168 | strength_conditioning | downloads | New client intake form | American college of Sports medicine |
169 | strength_conditioning | downloads | Sample-informed-consent-form | American college of Sports medicine |
170 | strength_conditioning | downloads | Patient fitness progress report | |
171 | strength_conditioning | downloads | The Physical activity readiness questionnaire for everyone | American college of Sports medicine |